This year brought many changes to Shifter. One of the biggest was the launch of our new dashboard. We’ve previously discussed the “how” of designing the Shifter dashboard. Today, I’d like to discuss the “why”. We’ll be going over some of the primary reasons we decided it was time for an update and the motivation behind the changes that we made.

Shifter has a lot of features, and we’re adding new updates all the time. The old dashboard layout was running out of space to add these features and they ended up getting lost. To fix this, we switched to a more traditional dashboard style that allows us to better categorize and organize our features. There is also additional space where we can introduce new features to our navigation. The search bar also helps you quickly and easily navigate to sites or teams without digging around.
But adding new features is really just the beginning. What we’ve done with the Shifter dashboard is create a start for something great. The dashboard represents a revamp of our entire process. We don’t consider this a finished project, but as a base where we can continue to gather customer feedback and make improvements.
This also helps with collaboration. Until recently, I (Jason) have been responsible for all the design that goes into Shifter including all of our brand and swag design on top of anything digital. But our team is growing, and we are adding more designers to the team. Our dashboard gives our growing team a base to work from, allowing us to iterate more quickly and collaborate more efficiently.
Ultimately, our goal is to make our customers happier and to be the best platform for hosting and managing your WordPress site. We already have plans for continuing to grow and improve Shifter in the future, and our customers will always be a focal point of our process.
If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the shifter dashboard and how it can be improved, feel free to reachout to our team through our customer chat or through my email at We’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
As always, thanks for using Shifter!